How Do I Ping All IP Addresses? Network Commands and Tools

How to Display Network Configuration and Test Connectivity

Enter “ipconfig” for Mac or “ifconfig” on Linux at the command prompt. Next, input “arp -a”. Optional: Enter “ping -t”.

Pinging Devices on a Network

How do I ping all computers on my network?

To bring up the Command Prompt, type “cmd”. Then, type “ping”, hit space, and enter the IP you wish to ping (e.g., 192.XXX.X.X). Review what the ping shows.

How do I ping a bulk IP address?

Open a command prompt window by signing into your server. Create a loop from one to 254 using the For statement. Ping the IP address by substituting the loop variable for the address’s last part. Press "Enter".

Legal Concerns and Tools

Is it illegal to ping every IP address?

Pinging an IP address is not illegal. However, abusing IP address information is. Use a VPN to hide your IP.

What is the tool to ping multiple IP addresses?

Colasoft Ping Tool simultaneously pings multiple IP addresses, listing responding times in a graphic chart. It displays operations and statistical results of ping in three windows, making it unique.

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