Can I Reactivate My Twitter Account?

Account Reactivation

Users have 30 days to log in and reactivate a previously deactivated account. If it has been more than 30 days, reactivation is not possible. Sign up for a new account if you forgot your login details. Our support team may assist you. Once reactivated, request a password reset email. Following/Followers or post counts might be wrong upon reactivation, but will be restored within 24 hours. If not, contact support. Accounts deactivated more than 30 days ago cannot be reactivated. If your account was hacked and deactivated, see our ‘hacked’ help page. Reactivation disabled messages are temporary. Near the 30-day mark, ask support to restore your account.

Reactivating a Suspended Account

Can you reactivate a suspended Twitter account?

If your account is limited, wait 12 hours to 7 days for automatic restriction lifting or file an appeal for permanent suspensions. Log in at or via the app. Follow prompts to verify your account. Change your password if suspended for suspicious activity. Limited or suspended accounts can file an appeal. Delete prohibited tweets before appealing. Visit Twitter’s appeal form to appeal. Explain the error, provide your full name and contact information, and upload identification if needed.

Deactivation Details

Is deactivating Twitter permanent?

Deactivation lasts 30 days, after which your account and username are deleted. To permanently delete your account, don’t access it for 30 days. Your username becomes available to others post-deletion. Deactivation is the first deletion step. Account information can be updated without deletion. Request data before deactivating; it doesn’t remove data from Twitter systems. Subscriptions remain active until managed in the original platform. Direct messages are deleted post-deactivation. Avoid indirect login via third-party apps. Deactivate suspended or locked accounts by submitting a request.

Visibility of a Deactivated Account

Can you still see a deactivated Twitter account?

Upon deactivation, profiles become inaccessible, stating ‘account is no longer available.’ Names may appear in searches until full deletion after 30 days. Direct messages and posts vanish, including retweets and likes. Users can’t send DMs to deactivated accounts. Reactivate by logging in before the 30-day deadline. Enter your email or phone number at Twitter’s password reset for recovery. If recovery methods are inaccessible, fill out a form for Twitter’s review. Your data remains invisible during deactivation.

Reactivation After Deactivation

What happens when you deactivate your Twitter and then reactivate?

A deactivated account’s username and email are locked for 30 days for potential reactivation. After 30 days, they are freed for new accounts. If password forgotten, use the password reset or, if inaccessible, start a new account.

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